I fully support a public option for health care reform. I would wholly endorse a single-payer system if it came to a public vote. We need to insure all Americans at a fair cost. This morning I stumbled across a medical group (of anesthesiologists) that was encouraging its members to write their Senators to oppose the public option (it might hurt their wallets, patients' needs and care be damned). They even provided a nifty little tool to send their Senators a form letter. Well, I used their nifty little tool but replaced their text with my own! Here's what I sent:
I am writing to express my grave concerns that you will oppose a public option in health care reform. Such an option is necessary to provide insurance for the millions of people who cannot afford health insurance.
With Congress moving forward with comprehensive health system reform, I would like to provide my perspective as your constituent. An overhaul of the health care system involves tremendous opportunities to better serve America’s patients. It is essential that reform options be created to ensure that all Americans are insured.
Contrary to what many "health care providers" are trying to imply, a public option would actually create the kind of competition that is needed to drive costs down and to provide better services at reasonable cost--if private companies want to compete, they'll actually have to serve their customers rather than their own pockets (and the pockets of Government Representatives!).
Please don't let your special interest ties and campaign contributions from the insurance lobbies color your responsibility to your constituents and Americans in general. Please support America and ensure the inclusion of a public option in any health care reform legislation.