Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Seeds!

After carving up our Halloween pumpkin I gathered up and rinsed the seeds and prepared them for roasting. Since we were having spaghetti squash for dinner, I gathered those up, too. Rinsed and seasoned with King of the Q Bonedust Barbecue seasoning powder, I spread them on a baking sheet and popped them into a 250 degree oven. Bake for a while, flip 'em around a bit with a spatula, bake, flip 'em around, bake, etc. Delicious!

As a kid pumpkin seeds were one of my favorite treats. I remember buying small red boxes with an indian head logo of very salty, very white pumpkin seeds. Each Halloween my dad would scoop out the seeds from our pumpkin and put them into a bowl of salty water, working the seeds between his fingers to wash away the pith of pumpkin. Back then the seeds were simply salted, but they were delicious enough to stick in my memory.

If you've never done this, you should give it a whirl. It's simple to do and the payoff is a very tasty (and healthful) snack.

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