It appears that the bags are finally showing some signs of breaking down. The adhesive or heat sealing or welding or whatever method they use to create the seams and closures of the bags has given up the ghost and the bags are no longer bag-like structures! The original bag is also showing further signs of breaking down, showing small holes and other translucent areas. Next week I'll take more detailed photos of that bag's progress.
You will also notice that the "staked" bag--the one meant to mimic the breakdown process of roadside litter--has bleached out significantly in the summer sun of Tucson, Arizona. Compared to the other "older" bags that spend their days in a very dark environment, the difference is striking. Even though we have hit the monsoon season we have actually received very little rain here at the house. I'd like to see the effects of some heavy rains on the bag. Cross your fingers and break out the drums, we need a rain dance!
I thought that Quizno's cup would have all but dissolved by now, but it's holding together pretty well. I doubt it would hold water for long and you certainly wouldn't want to drink from it, but it still looks like a cup. A crushed and disgustingly discolored cup, but a cup nonetheless. You wouldn't mistake it for some other bit of trash.