Tuesday, July 6, 2010

SunChips Go Compostable, Week 09 (or is it 17?)

It has been a few weeks since I did an update on this project. I've been having some fun and so the photo tracking of the bag compost project has taken a back seat to play time.

I have to say, there's still not a lot of change going on here. The two bags in the tumbler don't look too much different from each other. I would have expected some greater progress by now. Like I have said before, this is a small composter. It's not going to generate the kind of heat a large or commercial compost pile will create. I get that. But I still think it's taking an awful long time.

The "roadside ditch bag" is still intact, but it is definitely starting to bleach out and lose its color. That is a pretty good indication that the bag is starting to break down as well. Once the rain starts (oh, monsoons, where art though?), it should really get going. I wouldn't be surprised if this bag breaks down before the ones in the composter!

How about that Quiznos cup? It's progressing. Slowly. But it's ugly and I don't think it would be functional at this point.

And guess what? I threw some biodegradable spoons into my other bin several days ago. I'm not going to bother tracking them because I'm sure it will take a long time. But they are out there.