Most belts marketed at runners for carrying essentials are poorly designed or constructed or both. They bounce and jiggle more than my belly and they leave you annoyed at best, chafed at worst. The SPIBELT doesn't move. It can be worn front or back with equal results. I have worn it both ways. I wore it to the front in conjunction with a small hydration pack that rides on the small of your back (the Camelbak Catalyst). I have a bulkier phone than is currently fashionable and the SPIBELT took it easily and held it securely with no bounce but not so tightly that it pressed the buttons or anything like that. On short runs where I only carry a small bottle, I will wear it to the back, which seems more natural to me, but a lot of runners like to have their things to the front--it doesn't matter. The SPIBELT is equal to the task either way.
I first came to the SPIBELT when I bought one for Joan as a birthday gift. I tried it out in the store with my wallet and phone and was amazed at how well it worked there--I jumped around a bit and jogged in the store and it was very stable, even if I didn't appear to be. I gave it to her and told her she could get me one for Christmas (alas, I had to get my own!). Between her birthday and Christmas I borrowed hers on occasion and continued to be impressed.
I bought mine locally at Summit Hut, but the belt is easily found online at many retailers. If you run or hike or bike or even just travel a lot where you might need a stash wallet, I highly recommend the SPIBELT.