Thursday, December 31, 2009


Sometimes a product just works. The SPIBELT is one of those products. Designed for runners, the SPIBELT could just as easily be used as a travel wallet in areas you suspect might be conducive to high pickpocket activity. Thin, inconspicuous, and roomier than it appears, this pocket belt has room for your phone, keys, wallet, whatever. It expands a surprising amount.

Most belts marketed at runners for carrying essentials are poorly designed or constructed or both. They bounce and jiggle more than my belly and they leave you annoyed at best, chafed at worst. The SPIBELT doesn't move. It can be worn front or back with equal results. I have worn it both ways. I wore it to the front in conjunction with a small hydration pack that rides on the small of your back (the Camelbak Catalyst). I have a bulkier phone than is currently fashionable and the SPIBELT took it easily and held it securely with no bounce but not so tightly that it pressed the buttons or anything like that. On short runs where I only carry a small bottle, I will wear it to the back, which seems more natural to me, but a lot of runners like to have their things to the front--it doesn't matter. The SPIBELT is equal to the task either way.

I first came to the SPIBELT when I bought one for Joan as a birthday gift. I tried it out in the store with my wallet and phone and was amazed at how well it worked there--I jumped around a bit and jogged in the store and it was very stable, even if I didn't appear to be. I gave it to her and told her she could get me one for Christmas (alas, I had to get my own!). Between her birthday and Christmas I borrowed hers on occasion and continued to be impressed.

I bought mine locally at Summit Hut, but the belt is easily found online at many retailers. If you run or hike or bike or even just travel a lot where you might need a stash wallet, I highly recommend the SPIBELT.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mike Doughty Interview

The Mike Doughty interview is up and available for reading at the WickedInfo site. It was a challenge. As I said, it was my first time doing anything like this. I was nervous about it. Then my recording turned out like crap. I had to dump it onto the computer and then listen to parts of it over and over using I don't know how many different sound tools to tweak things to where I could hear exactly what was being said: noise reduction, normalization, compression, speed adjustments, high pass filters, low pass filters, even distortion in a few places. In the end I have a good representation of the interview and I am confident there are no misquotes. Granted, I edited out a whole lot of verbal hedges and pauses, etc., but the phrasing and content are accurate.

If you're not familiar with Mike Doughty check him out. He was the front man for the band Soul Coughing but his solo stuff is quite a bit different than Soul Coughing considering it's the same singer and guitar player! Anyway, check out the interview:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 01, 12/13/2009 (Asthma SUCKS!)

I have asthma. Fortunately, for me it's not debilitating. I don't end up in bed with a breathing machine attached to my face and steroids dripping into my system. No, I just have a hard time breathing and get very tired very easily. My asthma is triggered, generally, by three things: Cats, always; Cold air, often; Exercise, sometimes. When I am bothered with asthma during exercise I am sometimes able to work through it by slowing down and walking slowly or riding my bike at a very light pace. If I can get through it, coming out of the other side can be really good--I often feel like I could go forever after a recovery like that. But, on days like today, I can't get passed it. Those days the exercise is much harder because I'm not getting the oxygen I need for exercise and it really slows me down (and I'm slow to start with!).

Today was one of those days when the elephant sat down on my chest pretty much right from the start and just wouldn't budge. I tried the walk/run/walk thing and it worked a bit. Mostly I walked. But I did manage to get in seven miles averaging just over four miles per hour. Not stellar by any means, but it definitely counts as exercise even if I did walk most of it! I mean, maybe the lungs weren't filling up and increasing their capacity the way truly vigorous cardio-vascular exercise does, but when I have one of these sessions my asthma puts my heart rate through the roof. If nothing else the old heart muscle must be getting a good workout.

So this week I ended up with a whopping eleven miles. Now, I know I can walk a half marathon within the time limit. I've done it. But I would really like to have a good day that day and come in at or under the three hour mark. That's going to require some more miles during the week between now and then, no two ways about it.

Day 07, 12/13/2009 (Taken after my run and after eating and drinking, etc. That's my excuse anyway.):

Weight: 209.8
BMI: 29.7
RM: 1919
SM: 32.4
BF: 29.6
VF: 13

Training, Days 05 and 06

I didn't really do anything these two days, so I guess I'll post the numbers just so I can say I did that at least!

Day 05, 12/11/2009

Weight: 206.4
BMI: 29.2
RM: 1888
SM: 31.3
BF: 31.4
VF: 13

Day 06, 12/12/2009:

Weight: 210.8
BMI: 29.8
RM: 1920
SM: 31.8
BF: 30.7
VF: 14

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mike Doughty Interview

I am nervous, nervous, nervous. Not only am I doing my first ever celebrity interview, but it's an interview with Mike Doughty, a guy I suspect is a whole lot smarter, a whole lot quicker, and a whole lot more ready for this interview than I am.

Wait. You're interviewing Mike Doughty? To quote my friend Dan, "WTF?! How'd you land that gig?"

My friend slash ex-student Steve Angell runs a really fun and eclectic website called WickedInfo. They interview a lot of comedians, musicians, actors, etc. One day Steve asked me if I'd like to do an interview for them. My initial reaction was a terrified hell no. I told Steve I'm pretty phonophobic and nervous about that sort of thing so unless it was an email interview, I'd probably pass. He wanted to know if there is anyone I would be interested in interviewing and the only person I could think of interesting enough to risk night sweats and panic attacks would be Mike Doughty.

So what does Steve do? He contacts Mike's publicist and scores a chance to interview Mike. Unfortunately, Mike doesn't want to do an email interview but will do a telephone interview. So tomorrow I have to pick up my phone and my archaic microcasette recorder and give Mike Doughty a call. We'll be going old school on this one--analog tape equipment and speaker phone. Fortunately, Doughty has embraced a lot of lo-fi equipment so I'm hoping he won't be too put out by my methods.

I hope I don't screw this up. I hope it goes well. Whatever happens I will let you know when my interview is posted at the site. With any luck it will go well enough that I won't be too embarrassed to attend his show in Cave Creek at the end of February!

Training, Day 04

I just got back from doing four miles with Julian in the stroller. I have not run in weeks. Literally. I think Joan and I have gone on a couple of walks, but no runs. Certainly none that would qualify as "training." I think I did okay. I did four miles in fifty-three minutes. I walked almost a half, ran a little over 2.5, ran/walked a little over a half, and walked the rest of the way home. I think that works out to about 13.25 minutes per mile. Not stellar, but if I can get myself to actually train to where I maintain that same pace over the half marathon I can squeak in at three hours and beat last year's time. Considering I walked all but a mile last year, I should be able to do it, right?

Today's numbers (11:34 a.m.):

Weight: 209.4
BMI: 29.6
RM: 192
SM: 32
BF: 30.3
VF: 13

An Open Letter to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid

I have finally lost what little faith I had left in the Democrats in office. By continuing to bow down to and roll over like whipped dogs in the face of Republican criticism all of you have become nothing more than tools of the status quo. There can be no hope for our nation if our representatives fail to serve the needs of the people and continue to simply cater to the wealthy and powerful.

I realize our government was designed to serve the powerful interests of the few. Not everyone realizes this. However, because the majority of the people of this great nation believe "by the people, for the people" to mean the Government is there to serve us, why can't our representatives do something to make it so?

My disappointment in this Congress (and increasingly in our President) knows no bounds.

I'm so sorry the lot of you have decided to turn your backs on America. What happens in next year's elections should come as no surprise to any of you. No, it won't be a vast Republican uprising--though they will play it that way. What will happen is most of the Democrats will stay home and fail to vote. The tea baggers will hit the polls and their minuscule voice of dissent and anti-Americanism will be hailed as the new majority. Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Training, Day 03

Today's numbers:

Weight: 208.2
BMI: 29.4
RM: 1903
SM: 31.9
BF: 30.3
VF: 13

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

(Lack of) Training, Day 02

What will one day of not training and binging on ice cream get you?

Weight: 213.2
BMI: 30.1
RM: 1934
SM: 31.5
BF: 31.2
VF: 14

Monday, December 7, 2009

Training, Day 01

Can't say things started off on a high note! I shut the alarm off and said no way to running before the kids got here. It has been dark and cloudy all day, but no rain. I gathered up some stuff for a short trip to the post office so we did manage to get in about a mile of blustery walking. Of course, on our way back it finally decided to start raining! It was a light rain and I fortunately had the rain cover for the stroller. I pulled it out and slipped it on--sort of. One of these days I'm actually going to have to figure out how it attaches to the frame! It did provide some wind cover for the kids and it kept them dry, so that's good. I am going to figure it out and put it on for the winter. If nothing else, wind protection goes a long way when it's cold.

Tomorrow, I promise!

Numbers: Well, I did say I would post numbers, so here it goes. These are the numbers our scale gives us. Some are obvious, some less so. But I have them, so I'll post them. None of them are good...I'm obese!

Weight: 212.2
BMI: 30
Resting Metabolism: 1935
Skeletal Muscle: 33.3
Body Fat: 28.1
Visceral Fat: 13

You can compare it to February 19, which is the last time I actually wrote any of these numbers down. At least the numbers are better now than they were then!

Weight: 221.6
BMI: 31.3
Resting Metabolism: 1986
Skeletal Muscle: 31
Body Fat: 32.4
Visceral Fat: 15

What is visceral fat? 
Visceral fat is located around the organs. Too much visceral fat is thought to be closely linked to increased level of fat in the bloodstream, which can lead to common conditions such as high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Sedentary life style causes excess visceral fat, and exercise can reduce it quicker than subcutaneous fat (fat located under skin). 
What is resting metabolism? 
Resting metabolism is the energy to maintain vital functions and it counts 60 to 70% of total energy consumption. Knowing your resting metabolism can help your diet plan. If you can increase daily activity while keeping food intake at resting metabolism level, you can lose weight. 
What is skeletal muscle? 
Skeletal muscle is muscle attached to the bones that is used to move the body. If you do weight loss without exercise, you may lose skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is important to maintain your resting metabolism as well as your functionality. Monitoring skeletal muscle during weight loss is key to avoid weight rebound in the future.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


OKAY. The P.F. Chang's Rock n' Roll (half) Marathon is exactly six weeks from today. Enough with the tomfoolery! I am now declaring myself to be officially "In Training." The only hope I have to sticking to anything close to a training "regimen" is to publicly, no matter how embarrassing it may be, publish all the tawdry details. That is my weight, my distances, BMI, all that junk. If you read these posts you will see the horrible details of a fat man running. It all starts in the morning. Gulp.