Wait. You're interviewing Mike Doughty? To quote my friend Dan, "WTF?! How'd you land that gig?"
My friend slash ex-student Steve Angell runs a really fun and eclectic website called WickedInfo. They interview a lot of comedians, musicians, actors, etc. One day Steve asked me if I'd like to do an interview for them. My initial reaction was a terrified hell no. I told Steve I'm pretty phonophobic and nervous about that sort of thing so unless it was an email interview, I'd probably pass. He wanted to know if there is anyone I would be interested in interviewing and the only person I could think of interesting enough to risk night sweats and panic attacks would be Mike Doughty.
So what does Steve do? He contacts Mike's publicist and scores a chance to interview Mike. Unfortunately, Mike doesn't want to do an email interview but will do a telephone interview. So tomorrow I have to pick up my phone and my archaic microcasette recorder and give Mike Doughty a call. We'll be going old school on this one--analog tape equipment and speaker phone. Fortunately, Doughty has embraced a lot of lo-fi equipment so I'm hoping he won't be too put out by my methods.
I hope I don't screw this up. I hope it goes well. Whatever happens I will let you know when my interview is posted at the site. With any luck it will go well enough that I won't be too embarrassed to attend his show in Cave Creek at the end of February!