Thursday, June 12, 2008

It's OK. I Understand.

To my friends who believe they cannot vote for Barack Obama, I want you to know: I understand. I truly do. You see, Barack Obama is intelligent and thoughtful. He is articulate, literate, and sincere. He understands his shortcomings and not only seeks the council of others, but listens to it. In short, he is the complete antithesis of all you have come to expect and admire in a President. It must come as quite a shock that someone of such characteristics should wish to serve his country in this way. I understand your suspicion. I know it scares you that someone might want to rock the boat. Someone might want to change the status quo, possibly even change the paradigm. I'm sure it's quite frightening. It's so much easier to stick with what you are familiar with, even if it hasn't really been any good for you or your country. Change is scary. I understand.

I realize you have become quite comfortable giving up rights and freedoms and weakening the Constitution because you believe it doesn't really affect you. I'm sure you believe that little "preemptive" strike and all of the chaos that has arisen from it is not only justified but somehow necessary, even though all independent sources (and event the Pentagon, GASP!) have agreed that this action was unwarranted and has only undermined our security as a nation and also our standing on the world stage. I understand. It's easier to believe what "they" tell you. I understand, I really do.

What a sigh of relief you must have expelled when the candidacy of John "McFriends" McCain was confirmed! No longer would you have to worry about change. Here was a chance to not only elect someone who would keep the same policies moving "forward," but, heck, he's a good friend, too! Of course, I would think (heaven forbid!) it would be better if he could decide just what it is he stands for. That seems to shift from day to day.

Part of the problem, my friends, with John "McFriends" McCain, is that, well, my good friends, the real John McCain died several years ago. Yes, friends, it's true. The last time he went through a campaign it was simply too much for his creaky old heart and he passed on to Valhalla. But, my friends, don't despair, the Republican party was able to create a modified clone using DNA from the original John "The Maverick" McCain, George W. Bush, and an extremely obedient and passive lap dog. It's really a marvel of science, which is really saying something for a party which eschews science so readily.

So, no hard feelings. I know how hard it is to face the future. However, I encourage you to embrace change and take a chance on the future. Let's move toward a future where America once again holds itself up to a higher standard and no longer says, "Why should we lead the way? No one else is doing it." Let's look to a future where America once again stands up and says, yes, we can (Wait, is that Obama's slogan? Hmm. That was unintentional, seriously.). When America sees the world out-competing it by manufacturing vehicles that get better mileage, have better warranties, and have higher levels of quality and performance it shouldn't say--as it does these days--"It's unfair, we should impose higher import taxes on those other cars!" No! America should say, "Oh, hell no. This won't stand!" And then they should flood the market with efficient, cost-effective, electric powered vehicles and alternatives to petroleum fuel to generate that electicity. They shouldn't whine and moan and say, as our President himself has done, "It's haaarrrd!" Of course it's hard! You think it wasn't hard to put a man on the moon before the end of the decade--in the effin' sixties?!?! Give me a break.

So, yeah, I understand. But get over it. Get over it and do the right thing. Horatio Alger is a myth. You are not going to be a rich CEO anytime soon and you are not going to benefit from all of the corporate welfare this administration has shoved down our throats. It ain't going to happen, friends. Quit thinking that if you elect a Democrat we will all live in sudden poverty where everything you have is taken away and given to poor brown people. This President came into office with a few trillion dollars in surplus. This surplus, coming from a Democratic administration, has been squandered until we are billions and billions of dollars in debt with several billion dollars a month going to feed the war in Iraq (unnecessary, unwarranted, and having nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11 or terrorism or anything else that might have been justified). This administration said the war would pay for itself and would result in really cheap oil prices ($20 per barrel, as a matter of fact). You see where that has gotten us, don't you? You're now paying approximately $3 more a gallon than when this administration came into office. And it's not going to get any better if we continue down the same path. And believe me, John "McFriends" McCain is exactly the same path--or worse.

I understand, yes, but I've changed my mind on one thing: It's not OK.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, let me start by saying to all others that might read this, you and I know that we know each other, and I believe that you sent me an e-mail to this blog so that I would respond as you know I will. So here I am to throw in the truth.
    For starters on the political about we throw out the entire Republican, AND Democratic parties, and elect some Libertarian, or Independant, and try on THAT kind of change for once...I think that is the real change we can believe in. HMMM common sense...who'da thunk?
    Anyways..on with the meat. The very first thing that comes to my mind in response to your blog, is the comment you made on Obama, to quote you,"He understands his shortcomings, and not only seeks the council of others, but listens to it." Well then, how should I feel when his former MENTOR Reverand Jeremiah Wright revealed his true feelings for America. And Obama's own statement of "I need to take care of my people first."
    Obama is a racist AntiAmerican extremist. Yes my friends, it is actually true. A black person can be racist too! And why would I want to vote for someone who Young Palestinian men, KNOWN terrorists, both domestic, and foreign, hold in high regard?
    On to the next. You said,"I realize you've become quite comfortable giving up rights and freedoms, and weakening the Constitution because you feel it doesn't really affect you." My, my , my. Wasn't it you, who I argued with about the whole idea of the smoking ban? Didn't I say that the principle behind it was basically the start of taking away personal freedoms? Who voted to pass that? And don't give me that it's for our health crap....let the bar owners have their patrons take the vote. If the bar you (don't) go to happens to want to stay a smoking bar...go to one that banned it. You realize the only reason things like that pass is because yes, the majority of the general public are non-smokers. DUH! So don't give me the giving up personal freedoms speech when you yourself vote for it.
    And by the way..Bush didn't want to go after Iraq...he wanted to send in the C.I.A. first to evaluate the situation. He was forced into it by his cronies.
    Now, while I will state that sure McCain might not be the most desireable of candidates, I do not vote for him for who he is, but who he is not. He's not Obama.
    He is an American through and through. He wears an American Flag Lapel, (who won't?) He holds his hand over his heart and SAYS the pledge of Allegiance, (who won't?)he doesn't offend his own countrymen with racist remarks when saying things in a speech that are not rehearsed. Geee Let's see...who made remarks like "typical white person" or "bitter small-town American's" and "Can't I just eat my waffle?" All these thruth's come out when he runs an unscripted play. Does that really sound like someone you want as president? Georgie might not be bright...but he's not a racist pig!
    On to more...Obama is soooo far left, he's almost out of sight...way to far left to appeal to the majority of Americans. The Radical Liberals are salivating for our next president to be totally oposite Bush. Well, that's not really going to fix anything. If he could actually "bring home our guys" which he's not going to be able to do anyway....but, even if he really could...all that would prove to the rest of the world is that we have no follow through...we are pansies.
    And either the extremists don't know that or they don't care...Obama is their savior! If he gets into office, I really feel scared for people like me...Small town Christian white Americans!
    Finally, let's face it, the man just doesn't have enough experience, and from what I hear about his off-the-cuff responses to really tough questions, he's a bumbling idiot. Not only that, but like I've already stated, his true Anti-American, and Racist views come spilling out whenever he talks candidly. Anyone, including me, can run for President, and have a slogan that says change!
    OK...well what kind of change are we talkin? If I was elected President, you could be sure that there would be change...but it wouldn't be good would it? So what are we talking about? From what I hear...the change he is hinting at, is not at all the kind of change I want! So you might say you understand why I feel the way I do...I most surely cannot understand why you would back someone like him...he tells you what you want to hear in very elloquent, prepared, and momorized speeches...but you can't see past that to see the real person behind the lies. It is not ok to vote for Obama....our Country will surely change....but not the way you think it will. And if he gets in, you can be SURE... that he will tax the living crap out of you and me, and yes, all our money will go to poor brown people, and poor white people too lazy to get a job. Gas will not get cheaper, food will continue to become even more difficult for poor people to he'll tax us more to pay for that...he's gotta take care of his own peep's he said! I'm sick and tired of the left. Sick and tired of hearing about our cultures and customs offending people...well stay the hell out then! Go back to where you came from if it's soo bad here. Patriotism is not a bad thing. Being proud of who you are and what you stand for is NOT a bad thing. I don't care if my being a Christian offends you...your being gay offends me. (Not you as in you, by the way, lol just a genralization) But I'm not trying to stop you from being gay. I might try to stop you from getting legally married...because that is my belief (It's called believing in God...but you wouldn't understand that.) but if you want to live together and do whatever-it-is you wanna do..go right ahead. I don't agree with everything the right has to say either..but all I know is, if the left had it their way, this Country would be the arm-pit of the world. Who would keep providing for someone else, when it is more beneficial to just do nothing, and let someone else hand it to you?
    That is what I do not understand!!!
