Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cold as Hell (or What the Hell Am I Thinking?)

It's already in the 30s at midnight and I'm heading off to bed with plans of waking up at 5:30 to be on the road at 6:00 for a morning ride. I might be nuts. It's going to be very cold on a bicycle and when I go over the washes it'll be freezing.

It's a funny thing about washes. Even though they look dry they are, in reality, water ways. Sometimes water is flowing not too far below the surface. What does that have to do with anything? When you're on a bike you feel the cold. Due to the moisture found in the washes, the temperature around the wash can drop a good ten degrees or more. You feel it.

I laid out some winter riding clothes and I'll go dig out my full-finger gloves before bed. I'm already wondering what the heck I'm thinking but I suppose this actually holds true to form--I'm a glutton for punishment.